Top Ten

AAA London Chimney Sweep Top Ten

1. Be sure to have your chimney checked on an annual basis by a qualified technician. This will reduce instances of chimney fires.
2. Be sure to trim any trees close to your chimney. Branches must be at least 15 feet from the top of your chimney.
3. Have a technician install a chimney cap to keep animals and debris out of your chimney.
4. Build your fire right. Use a supporting grate to place your firewood and burn it towards the back of your fireplace.
5. Always make sure the hearth area is clear. This will avoid fires caused by combustible items.
6. Using a metal mesh or fireplace screen is advised. It helps to catch the flying sparks from a lit fireplace.
7. Do not leave your lit fireplace unattended. Completely extinguish the fire when you are done.
8. Have your chimney inspected annually.
9. Be sure you have a smoke detector installed in your home. Periodically check to make sure the batteries are working.
10. Last, but not least, select the correct fuel. Well seasoned wood that has been prepared six months in advance is highly suggested.

Facts About Chimney 

Did you know that chimneys were first introduced in Europe during the 12th century and were generally brick chimneys?

The National Association of Realtors indicates that as energy prices increase, the existence of a fireplace increases your home value by about $12,000.

A chimney that is not cleaned properly can develop into a fire hazard and create lethal carbon monoxide gas build up in your home.

The type of wood you use is important. Did you know that woods such as oak or hickory oak burn at a heightened temperature and results in a warmer house?
Chimney Flue Cleaning — A Man Standing on the Rooftop in Wasatch Front, UT
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